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Pofta de verde la mine nu se termina
Si daca toata vara mi-am facut de cap
cu fructe, la caderea toamnei am inceput sa dau din colt in colt,
deja fructele proaspete autohtone se imputineaza si eu raman cu
pofta-n cui.
Despre “frunze verzi” insa, sau
“iarba verde de acasa” nici sa nu mai au fost
suficient de lungi primavara si vara pentru ca si eu sa ma satur de
salate si smoothie-uri din frunze proaspete.
Umbland astfel prin piata acum cateva
zile, cu pofte verzi in gand, am dat peste o taraba cu spanac
proaspat, pe care parca-l cautasem toata vara si nu-l gasisem. M-am
lacomit si mi-am luat 2 kg, avand in gand ca macar un kg sa-l consum
crud. Si repede.
Asa ca azi dimineata am insfacat 2
maini zdravene de frunze de spanac proaspat, clatite si tocate usor,
o banana coapta care astepta sa fie
folosita in ceva bun, si un kiwi mare si copt bine, le-am indesat pe
toate in blender, am adaugat o cana de lapte de migdale, doar cat sa
aiba blenderul cu ce lucra, si am mixat pe turatie inalta timp de un
minut, pana a iesit un smoothie verde delicios.
L-am baut asa de repede ca n-am mai
apucat sa-l fotografiez si in pahar :) Parol ca a fost tare bun!
Mi-am luat pe ziua de azi portia de
fier, potasiu, calciu si magneziu, plus ceva vitamina C. Sa tot
incepi ziua asa!
My appetite for greens never
And after indulging in fresh
fruits all summer long, by the beginning of fall I started to grumble
and covet... local fresh fruit are running short and I remain with my
Not to even mention the
“green leaves” and “green grass of home”...spring and summer
have definitely not been long enough for me to feel satisfied enough
with fresh leaves salads and smoothies.
And so, browsing around the
market a couple of days ago, lusting for greens, I ran into
a market stall with fresh spinach, as if I had been looking for it
the whole summer and couldn't find it.
I got greedy and I bought
about 4 pounds, having in mind to consume at least half of the
quantity raw and fresh. And quickly.
So this morning I grabbed 2
handfuls of fresh spinach leaves, rinsed and slightly chopped, one
ripe banana just waiting to be used in something tasty, and one ripe kiwi, threw them altogether into the
blender, added just one cup of almond milk, just so the blender
could swirl properly, and blended them for about one minute, until
they became a green delicious smoothie.
I actually drank it so
quickly that I never got the chance to even take a photo of it in the
glass :) It was good and tasty, I swear it!
So I already had my portion
of iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium, plus some extra vitamin C.
Way to start your day!
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