Buna sa va fie inima si bine sa va
priasca vara! Tocmai am pregatit o mancare usoara de vara, rapid de
facut si cu doar cateva ingrediente.
Imi place foarte mult sparanghelul, iar
acum suntem chiar in plin sezon, deci il putem gasi mai usor de
cumparat. Pentru aceasta reteta am folosit o legatura intreaga de
sparanghel verde.
Sosul este o versiune foarte cremoasa
si cu consistenta “laptoasa”, usor condimentata dar si
racoritoare de curry. Si totul complet vegan!
Haideti sa vedem impreuna cum procedam:
- 1 legatura sparanghel verde (aprox. 10 fire);
- 1 cartof maricel;
- 1 ceapa potrivita;
- ½ conserva crema de cocos (lapte de cocos gras pentru gatit) – aprox. 150-200ml;
- ½ lgt turmeric;
- 1 varf lgt sare;
- piper dupa gust;
- 1 varf lgt boia dulce;
- zeama de la ½ lamaie mare sau de la o lamaie mica intreaga;
Am taiat cam 2 cm din coditele firelor
de sparanghel, pentru ca acea parte este foarte fibroasa si nu prea
poate fi mancata. Restul le-am spalat si le-am feliat in bucati de
cca 1 cm. Am curatat de coaja cartoful, si l-am taiat cubulete. La
fel si ceapa, am curatat-o si am taiat-o in bucatele mai mari, dar o
puteti toca dupa cum va place.
Le-am pus toate intr-o tigaie inalta cu
capac si cu ½ cana de apa (cam 125 ml), sa se abureasca bine si sa
se inmoaie. Dupa ce s-au fiert cam pe trei sferturi, atat cat sa
intre furculita intr-un cubulet de cartof, am adaugat laptele de
cocos, si condimentele (sare, piper, turmeric, boia) si le-am lasat
pe foc in continuare inca aprox 5-10 minute, sa se imbine aromele sub
capac. Aproape de final am adaugat zeama de lamaie, am amestecat
totul inca o data si cam dupa 1 minut am stins focul.
Se poate servi ca atare sau alaturi de
o salata de verdeturi.
Pofta buna!
Daca v-a placut reteta, nu uitati sa
dati un LIKE si sa impartasiti cu prietenii!
English version:
Warm greetings and may you enjoy the
summer time! I have just prepared a light, quick and easy to make
dish, and with only a few ingredients. I very much enjoy asparagus,
and since we're in full season now, we can find it easier to buy at
any local shop. For this recipe I have used one whole bunch of green
The sauce is a very creamy and milky,
slightly spicy yet refreshing version of curry. And all fully vegan!
Let's see together how to make it:
- 1 bunch green asparagus (aprox. 10 stems);
- 1 pretty large potato;
- 1 medium onion;
- ½ can coconut cream (thick fat coconut milk for cooking) – aprox. 150-200ml;
- ½ tsp. turmeric;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 pinch of pepper;
- ½ tsp sweet paprika powder;
- the juice of half of a large lemon or of one whole little lemon.
I have cut about 1 inch of each
asparagus stem prior to cooking them, because that bottom part is too
fibrous and not so easy to chew. I've washed the rest, and sliced in
½ inch slices. I've also pealed the potato and cut it in ½ inch
cubes. The same goes with the onion, or you may chop it finely as you
I've put all the the above ingredients
in a large saucepan with a lid, adding just ½ cup water (aprox.125
ml), just enough to let them boil and soften. After being almost
fully boiled, just enough to squeeze one potato piece with the fork,
I've added the coconut milk and the spices (salt, pepper, turmeric,
paprika) and let them boil for 5 to 10 more minutes, in order to let
the aromas mix and blend under the lid. Close to the end I've added
the lemon juice, and just stirred everything one more time, then
turned off the gas after about 1 minute.
It can be served as it is, or
accompanied by a nice green salad.
Enjoy your meal!
If you enjoyed this recipe, feel free
to LIKE and share with your friends!
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